“Humans of the World” Podcast
Conversations with interesting people from all over the world.
Photo taken from @visualizevalue
How experiences shape behaviours, form world views and create assumptions. Authentic conversations for the curious mind.
You don’t know what you don’t know.
Check out the Top Featured Episodes:
David Hoover - On Homelessness
“I think the biggest misconception is it's not about being lazy. It's that a lot of times the world throws you some circumstances that are a little bit too overwhelming, and that forces you to be in that situation.”
Luis Carbonell - On Poverty
“Because poverty creates the sense of I can't grow because growing is risky, and I have no time for it.”
Yenser Del Nogal - the Venezuelan Ghetto
“If he’s feeling, you don’t respect him, for sure they kill you in front of the other guys. Because that, is respect.”
“Part of what I like with your podcast is opening up the world more to let people see what is on the other side in a way that's empathetic. Not just short form content on TikTok because you don't really develop an understanding, you don't really develop empathy. It's just more shock value. And I think to some degree, that can be a little toxic, because then people repulse away from it in both directions.”
— Luis Carbonell (Episode 5 - On Poverty)
Core Values.
You don’t know what you don’t know. Identify the gaps in your own understanding.
How experiences shape behaviours, form world views and create assumptions. Understand people.
Empathy means understanding. Empathy does not mean agreement. Think for yourself.