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A wide range of topics including Blockchain, Venture Capital, Human Behaviour, Growth Hacking, Personal Data Security 101 and more. Anything I’m interested in or need to learn.
Currently, I’m learning about Human Behaviour and Trauma.
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Keep reading for other Helpful Resources and my Lindy Library.
Other Helpful Resources.
Have the battle is finding the right sources of information. I’ve done the work for you. I’ve been collecting helpful resources.
Here are topics I’ve done a deep dive. Check out my guide that includes; the resources I learned from & a simplified explanation.
Book Recommendations.
Looking to learn about a topic? Here are my recommendations for books. Also would love to hear your recommendations too.
My Lindy Library.
The top books, articles, podcasts or resources that have influenced me the most.
Meditations* - Marcus Aurelius
Hacker Nation - {Mentor Robert Hacker & Group of Peers}
On the Shortness of Life - Luis Seneca (click here for free PDF)
Tao Te Ching*- Laozi
The Almanack of Naval Ravikant - Eric Jorgenson (click here for free PDF)
Start from Zero* - Dane Maxwell
Farnam Street Blog - Shane Perrish, (www.fs.blog)
The Power of Habit*- Charles Duhigg
7 Habits of Highly Effective People* - Stephen R. Covey
Atomic Habits*- James Clear
*Affiliate link, if you purchase through that link I will get commission from Amazon